simple sandwich

Fig & Cheddar Turkey Melt

I'm not a huge sandwich girl.  I don't typically pack one for lunch at work or come home on a Saturday and throw one together.  However, I know that sandwiches can be part of a quick and simple, fueling and nutritious meal when on the go and pressed for time, if thrown together correctly.

With that said, this weekend I decided to give the sandwich a try.  I decided to embrace it but embrace it with a twist.  I wanted to escape the every-day turkey on wheat with lettuce, tomato and mustard so I took a minute and thought about some of my favorite ingredients and determined what I already had in my pantry.  It had also just watched a show on the Food Network where the chefs discussed how the key to a great dish is simplicity and so I aimed to follow their guidance and keep the ingredients minimal but still memorable.  And what I came up with, I think, is a win.  It's very simple but the flavors contrast and complement well, supporting those Food Network chef's theory on food simplicity.    The peppery arugula combined with the sharpness from the cheddar cheese are balanced with the touch of sweetness from the fig preserves, and all of this is held together by my favorite bread, the Flax & Chia Seed bread from Central Market, for a sandwich that is, to me, delicious & exciting with every bite. 

So here you go - my Fig & Cheddar Turkey Melt...

Happy Fueling!



Fig & Cheddar Turkey  Melt


  • 2 slices whole grain bread (I used by favorite bread from Central Market - flax & chia)

  • 2 teaspoons fig preserves

  • 2 ounces deli turkey

  • 1 1/2 slices sharp cheddar cheese

  • 1/2 cup fresh arugula


Turkey Melt 1.JPG

1. Toast both slices of bread in a toaster (or in a 350 degree oven, 5 minutes per side).

2. Add the fig preserves to one side of one slice of the toasted bread.

3. Add the sliced turkey to the other slice of toasted bread.

Turkey Melt 2.JPG

4. Place the slice of toasted bread with turkey onto a baking sheet.

5. Top turkey with the cheese slices, making sure to cover the turkey with the cheese in an even layer.

(I lined the baking sheet with foil for easier clean-up)

Turkey Melt 3.JPG

6. Turn the oven from Bake to Broil (broil on High).

7. Place the baking sheet in oven & broil for about 3 minutes until cheese is hot & melting over the turkey.

Turkey Melt 4.JPG

8. Remove sandwich half from the oven.

9. Place heated sandwich half on your serving plate & top with the fresh arugula.

10. Top arugula with the second slice of toasted bread spread with the fig preserves.

Turkey Melt Complete 1.5.JPG

10. Slice your sandwich, serve and enjoy!!


Arugula - vitamin K, vitamin A

Turkey -  protein, nicain, vitamin B6, iron, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, selenium

Cheese -  protein, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, riboflavin, vitamin A, zinc, selenium

Dried Figs - potassium, fiber, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese

Bread  - flaxseed = fiber, thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, omega 3's                       ;             chia seeds = fiber, omega 3's, protein, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese